Welcome to the information portal on sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV).

Here you can find information on what SGBV is, what can you do if you or someone you know experiences SGBV and what organizations you can turn to if you need medical, legal, psychological or other support in the following European countries: Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Malta, The Netherlands, Poland, Slovenia, and Spain. 

  1. Watch the video below in your own language to learn about why people with a migration background can be more at risk of SGBV.
  2. Select your country of residence, then your language, and find out where you can turn to if you or someone you know needs help. By clicking on the image, a document in PDF format will open. Different information leaflets are available for adults and children.   

The video and the leaflets have been developed in the framework of the regional project PROTECT - Preventing sexual and gender-based violence against migrants and strengthening support to victims, funded by the European Union's Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020).