Complex Reintegration Assistance for Assisted Voluntary Returnees to Kosovo (UNSCR1244) (2014 - 2015)

Geographical Coverage: Hungary

Duration: March 2014 – June 2015

Donor: European Return Fund (national allocation)

Status: Completed

Summary: The overall aim of the project is to contribute towards the improvement and sustainability of the standard Hungarian voluntary return assistance through the provision of complex reintegration support for returnees to Kosovo under UNSCR 1244. This project is the improved continuation of a current project titled Reintegration Assistance for Assisted Voluntary Returnees to Kosovo (UNSCR1244).

As in previous years, the return component (travel arrangements, departure, transit and arrival assistance, onward transportation, etc) will continue to be implemented within the framework of the Hungarian Assisted Voluntary Return Programme. On the other hand, the reintegration component for Kosovar nationals (reintegration counseling, assistance, grants, and the relevant evaluation) is provided within the project, i.e. in the Complex Reintegration Assistance for Assisted Voluntary Returnees to Kosovo (UNSCR 1244). To achieve its objective, the project aims to expand the scope of reintegration available to Kosovar returnees by offering complex in-kind reintegration grants. The project encompasses three main activities:

  1. Reintegration counselling to help beneficiaries find the best option of generating income in Kosovo, taking into account their training and experience as well as the local economic circumstances.
  2. Beneficiaries need to prepare and submit a detailed reintegration plan. The reintegration plan will have two separate sections. In the income-generating component the applicant can choose from several options such as business start-up, business partnership, salary subsidy, on-the-job training and vocational and language training. In the needs-based component the applicant can focus other aspects of his/her reintegration, such as child care, medical care, transportation, accommodation and administrative support.
  3. The project also encompasses an overall evaluation of the reintegration support. The beneficiaries of reintegration grant will be requested to provide feedback by completing a questionnaire. The aim of this evaluation is to measure the extent of satisfaction with the reintegration assistance received, its impact in generating sufficient incomes to make a decent living for the returnees and their families once they return to Kosovo.