
Magyarországi Támogatott Önkéntes Hazatérő Program az Ukrajnából érkező harmadik országbeli állampolgárok számára

IOM helps third-country nationals (citizens of non-EU and/or non-EEA countries, who are NOT Swiss or Ukrainian) who arrived to Hungary from Ukraine to return home by organizing their voluntary return and covering their needs until departure.

IOM can take care of travel preparations ranging from arranging all necessary documents and obtaining tickets to helping migrants embark on the scheduled day of departure. Returnees usually travel on regular commercial flights, just like any other passenger, and can receive assistance while in transit or, whenever needed, operational or medical escorts. In case you need assistance with travelling to your hometown from the airport in your country of origin, our colleagues will arrange onward transportation for you.

Until departure, IOM can assist with providing accommodation, food, medical assistance, and other support.

We understand that each person’s situation and needs are different, therefore the nature and extent of pre-departure assistance is always decided on a case-by-case basis – so we can assist you the way it is best for you!

Within the framework of this programme IOM can only arrange your travel to your country of origin and is, unfortunately, unable to assist in organizing onward travel to any country that you are not a legal resident and/or citizen of. Also, IOM can only provide pre-departure assistance (including accommodation, food, etc.) to those beneficiaries who will return to their home countries with IOM’s support.

IOM can help you organize your return travel and cover your associated costs, including:

  • Providing pre-departure assistance to cover your needs until you travel.
  • Assistance with obtaining travel documentation.
  • Organizing your travel to your home country and purchasing your flight tickets.
  • Providing departure, transit, and arrival assistance.
  • Arranging onward transportation to your final destination within your home country (if needed).

For more information and to learn about how you can apply, please visit our website Volret.hu