Non-Governmental Organizations’ Capacity Building to Prevent and Respond to Trafficking In Persons (2003 - 2004)

Geographical Coverage: Hungary

Duration: October 2003 - December 2004

Donor: Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons of the US State Department

Status: Completed

Summary: This project aimed to contribute to enhancing the institutional capacity and expertise of key NGOs and service agencies, in order to understand and respond appropriately and cooperatively to human trafficking issues in the Hungarian context. Its main purpose was to increase the knowledge and capabilities of the participating organizations and agencies to develop effective THB prevention measures, and to provide appropriate assistance to victims of trafficking, as well as strengthen their technical and organizational capacities. This was accomplished through a capacity assessment of selected NGOs and service agencies, resulting in the development and implementation of a training workshop, capacity building exercises, and mentoring by experts. Additionally the project fostered effective information exchange and cooperation among participating organizations on THB issues through facilitating active dialogue within the training workshop and final meeting, and through initiating network development.