
IOM Budapest Continues Non-Food Item Project

IOM Budapest continues to distribute non-food items as part of the “Migration crisis in Europe – Support to stranded migrants in Greece and Hungary” project funded by SlovakAid. In the past two weeks we have successfully delivered:

  • 500 packs of clothes
  • 500 slippers
  • 500 pairs of shoes
  • almost 3000 pieces of diapers
  • 600 hygiene kits
  • 600 towels
  • 150 cleaning supply kits
  • Over 500 blankets
  • more than 700 recreational items (books, balls, board games, colouring books etc.)
  • and more than 150 phone cards

These items contribute to the improvement of conditions in the Police-run facilities in Győr, Kiskunhalas, Nyírbátor, and the facility at Budapest Airport; and the facilities operated by the Office of Immigration and Nationality in Balassagyarmat, Békéscsaba, Bicske, Röszke, and Körmend.

SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities