
New website FromSkills2Work Promotes Labour Participation


IOM has launched a European digital platform to improve labour market access of residence permit holders: www.FromSkills2Work.eu.

The early validation of formal and informal competences is crucial for the successful labour participation of beneficiaries of international protection. The website www.FromSkills2Work.eu offers information on services, organizations, projects and initiatives that support the identification of skills, knowledge and competencies of beneficiaries of international protection with a focus on nine EU member states: Belgium, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and the United Kingdom. The platform also shows employment success stories from migrants and their employers in each participating member state.

The platform is part of IOM’s EC funded Skills2Work initiative, which focuses on skills recognition with a European reach. IOM Budapest's project partner is Menedék - Hungarian Association for Migrants.

Take a look at the Skills2Work platform here. For more information on the Skills2Work project and to sign up to newsletters click here