
“Supporting the migrants’ labour market integration” event in Budapest

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Hungary, in partnership with the Menedék – Hungarian Association for Migrants, hosted a national event on 13 July, 2017 to promote the Skills2Work project, strengthen relations with stakeholders, test the FromSkills2Work digital platform and discuss labour market integration challenges in Hungary.

Almost 30 migration and labour market experts from over 10 different organizations participated actively in the event, by presenting their experiences about their own initiatives. The Skills2Work project was presented by the IOM Hungary Head of Office, Balázs Lehel. András Kováts from the Menedék Association followed, presenting success stories of labour market integration. The Hungarian Focal Point of the Skills2Work Project, Dániel Bagaméri showcased the FromSkills2Work digital platform. The audience was consequently divided in smaller workshop groups to test the platform through practical exercises, and were encouraged to provide feedback.

The workshop concluded with a lively discussion on how to use social media and other online communications tools to reach the target group better and provide them with more efficient information and services.

To find out more about the Skills2Work project, please visit the dedicated webpage and take a look at the Skills2Work digital platform here.


​The presentations are available on the following links:

  • Ágnes Néray's presentation on Foundation for Africa's AfroMag projec
  • László Zságer's and Attila Molnár's presentation on Building Bridges, the joint project of IOM and the Municipality of Budapes
  • György Szabolcs Kiss's presentation on Jövőkerék's project
  • András Kováts's presentation on the FromSkills2Work success storie
  • Veronika Bertók's and Nóra Körző's presentation on social media use (from HD Marketing
  • Dániel Bagaméri's presentation on the FromSkills2Work digital platform

SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities