
Child trafficking course at ELTE University

IOM Budapest was pleased to contribute to a Eötvös Lóránd University (ELTE) course on child trafficking in Hungary. This course was attended by aspiring social workers from ELTE’s Faculty of Social Science and was funded by UNICEF Hungary. To conclude the course, all students successfully passed the oral exam through a presentation of their outlines on awareness raising for children between 14-18 years of age who live in foster homes. We are confident that the students will be using their newly-gained knowledge during their compulsory field work in relevant facilities.

IOM Budapest’s contribution was based on the experience of our national counter-trafficking awareness raising campaign titled “Don’t let it happen!”, which was funded by the Internal Security Fund of the European Commission and co-funded by the Hungarian Government and which is foreseen to be continued in August 2019.

SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities