
SUMIGRE partner meeting in Budapest

The 6th and last transnational meeting of SUMIGRE - Supporting Professional Development of Migrant-related Educators, took place in Budapest between 20th and 21st of June 2019, where the partners were welcomed by IOM Budapest.

The discussions were focused on the recently launched E-Learning Platform, which is now available in 6 languages and the training and multiplier events held in the participating countries. Project partner BDF presented the preliminary results of the evaluation of the multiplier events and the E-Learning Platform.

Menedék – Hungarian Association for Migrants was invited to present their similar international project, GVETS, which is a capacity building program for new professionals working with children in migration environments.

The SUMIGRE project, which was funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, ends in August, thus partners are now finishing their project activities and preparing the final newsletter on project results.

You can register and start the E-Learning course here: https://sumigrelearningmoodle.com/moodle/

For more information please visit the SUMIGRE project website: www.sumigre.eu

SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities