Kik vagyunk
RólunkA Nemzetközi Migrációs Szervezet (IOM) része az ENSZ rendszerének mint 1951 óta a vezető kormányközi szervezet, amely 175 tagállammal és több mint 100 országban való jelenléttel segíti elő azt, hogy a migráció mindenki számára előnyös legyen. Az IOM Magyarországon 1992 óta van jelen.
IOM a világban
IOM a világban
MunkánkAz IOM, mint az emberséges és rendezett migrációt előmozdító vezető kormányközi szervezet kulcsszerepet tölt be a 2030-as célkitűzések megvalósításának támogatásában a humanitárius segítségnyújtást és a fenntartható fejlődést egyaránt összekapcsoló különböző területeken keresztül. Magyarországon az IOM számos áttelepítési, támogatási és életvédelmi feladat ellátásával segíti a migráns személyeket.
Mit csinálunk
Mit csinálunk
Átfogó (globális)
Átfogó (globális)
- Adat és források
- Cselekedj!
- 2030 Agenda
World Refugee Day Event
Friday, 30 June 2023
by the IOM-UNICEF Container, Europa tér, Záhony train station
IOM Hungary, Záhony municipality, UNICEF, Red Cross, Reformed Church and UNHCR kindly invite you to World Refugee Day 2023: Hope Away From Home. Honoring people who have been forced to flee their homes.
The refugee's suitcase - What would you take with you if you had to flee? And what would you leave at home that is dear to your heart? In an interactive session, people can think about what is valuable in their lives if they are suddenly unprepared to leave. This exercise can be thought-provoking for those who have not been in this situation. They can see what is important to each other, and put themselves in the other person's shoes to help them to understand.
Forum session discussion - Building on the previous session, an open discussion about what concepts such as home or safety mean to whom? What makes a home beyond a handful of bricks? How can I create security for myself and my family in a strange, new place? Who or what can help me? In the second half of the exercise, these questions and answers will be interpreted through the medium of painting on a large canvas, where beneficiaries and the local community will create a large common picture together.
Movie screening of Könnyű leckék /Easy lessons/
The movie follows the life of a beautiful young Somali girl who, on the verge of adulthood, must sever all ties to her homeland in order to start a new life in Hungary.
Coffee, tea, snacks provided
Every day millions of people across the globe embark on dangerous journeys for the sole purpose of finding safety and freedom. In the past year, the majority of those displaced persons welcomed by Hungary have come from Ukraine seeking temporary refuge until they can safely return to their homes and re-join their families without the fear of war. World Refugee Day 2023 focuses on solutions for refugees and the power of inclusion. We can all do more to give refugees more hope – and more opportunities – while they are away from home. Including refugees in the communities where they have found safety after fleeing conflict and persecution is the most effective way to support them in restarting their lives and enable them to contribute to the countries hosting them. Let’s commit to including Ukrainian refugees in our schools, workplaces and health care systems. Refugees do not want handouts, they want opportunities. IOM Hungary and its partners have been providing hope, opportunities and social inclusion solutions to displaced people such as transport; shelter; food; medical care; legal advice; information on financial assistance, education and employment. Let’s give them hope away from home - a world where refugees are always included.