Operational Networking and Co-operation and Joint Multidisciplinary Training Process for Judicial, Law Enforcement, NGOs and International Organizations Specialists, in Fighting Trafficking in Human Beings (NETWORK III) (2006 - 2008)

Geographical Coverage: EU Member States and EU Accession countries

Duration: 15 months (from December 2006)

Donor: EC AGIS 2006

Status: Completed

Summary: The overall objective was to contribute to fighting against organized crime through promoting and strengthening the networking, co-operation, exchange and dissemination of practices at EU level and between the old and new EU Member States, EU Accession Countries and the neighbouring countries in the area of preventing and combating trafficking in human beings. This project built upon the achievements of the AGIS 2003 project "Establishment of the network of and a Joint Training for… (Phase I)" and of its continuation “Strengthening of Operational Network and Cooperation Mechanisms Through Joint Multi-disciplinary Training Process Phase II)” which has been launched in November 2005 under the AGIS 2005 Programme. The project aimed at bringing forward the results and continuing the processes initiated in the framework of the above undertakings. It extended the operational networking and cooperation among the EU Member States, Accession Countries and other neighbouring countries involving various levels and layers in national counter-trafficking structures, bridging in particular the often missing link between the NGO and law enforcement/judicial practitioners. The project also facilitated the hand-over and implementation at the national level of the Joint Multi-disciplinary Training Courses: 1) translation of the training material in national languages of the participating countries; 2) finalization of National Strategic Training Plans and implementation of pilot-national training courses monitored by EU experts; 3) ensuring regional forum to promote the information exchange and best practices, and 4) development of conclusions and recommendations for sustaining these processes launched through the AGIS Programme in the aftermath of the Phase III.