Safe and Adequate Return, Fair Treatment and Early Identification of Victims of Trafficking from Third Countries outside the EU (SAFE) (2017-2018)

Geographical Coverage: The Netherlands, Bulgaria, Hungary, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

Duration: 1 January 2017 – 31 December 2018

Donor: Asylum Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) of the European Union, the Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security, and the Dutch Ministry for Welfare Health and Sport

Status: Completed

Summary: The project’s main focus has been to increase societal awareness regarding (possible) victims of trafficking among newly arrived refugees and migrants and to provide tools to assist these new groups in a human rights based approach.

The overarching goal of the Safe! project can be summarized as follows:

“To enable the early and adequate identification and protection of victims of trafficking as well as to ensure their safe return and sustainable re-integration in the context of the current asylum and migration processes within the European Union.”

The project has worked towards this overall long-term goal in a pragmatic and strategic way, incorporating the vast field experience of specialist NGO, GO and IGO partners in the Netherlands, Hungary, Bulgaria and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia that work with victims of trafficking on a daily basis. At the core of the project was a multi-stakeholders cooperation, which allowed each partner to contribute its own specialism to reach the project objectives:

  1. To develop and implement strategies and a tailor-made international training programme for Early Identification and Protection of Victims of Trafficking based on the Euro TrafGuID Guidelines.

  2. To develop and implement strategies and a tailor-made international training programme for Safe Return and Sustainable Re-integration of Victims of Trafficking based on the Safe Future Methodology.

  3. To link (I)GO and NGO stakeholders in the anti-trafficking field with organizations involved in the current asylum and migration processes within the EU and to stimulate mutual cooperation and exchange of expertise, dilemmas and best practices.