Yehor, a sixteen-year-old from Kyiv never imagined his life is taking such a turn, but the war in Ukraine forced him leave his home and flee to Hungary with his mother. While relieved to be away from the immediate danger, they struggled with the uncertainties of starting anew in a foreign land.

With all the worrying news from back home and the difficulties of adapting to a new place, Yehor sought distraction. He was determined to find a new hobby that helps him cope.

The boy’s relationship with music started when he attended a piano class at a music school in Budapest. Despite never having received formal music lessons, his talent led him to master his skills in a short time. His enthusiasm quickly caught the attention of his peers and teachers.

With the support of his Ukrainian piano teacher Lyubov Szavina, Yehor's piano skills improved rapidly. In just four months, he went from being a beginner to a performer. People are amazed by his emotional music and how easily he plays the instrument.

Yehor tells a story every time he performs. For him, music is not only a way to fight stress but also a space to express emotions.

"I believe music is the highest form of art. When I play, I can feel emotions I've never felt before, hear stories I've never heard, and go places I've never been. And most importantly, I can convey these feelings to the listeners."- Yehor expresses.

Yehor is pursuing his artistic journey in Budapest. Having received acceptance letters from several academies, he carefully deliberated and is now proudly enrolled as a student at the King St Stephen's Secondary School of Music.

Yehor preforming at IOM Hungary’s International Migrant Day Reception, 2023 December (photos by Marton Monus)

However, Yehor's story isn't just about learning music. One of IOM Hungary’s key partner Unity created the Saturday Educational Art Space, where the boy found a place where he belonged. With other refugees and caring teachers around him, Yehor felt confident to be himself and share his passion with other children.

Through initiatives that prioritize the well-being and empowerment of beneficiaries, IOM Hungary continues its efforts in helping people on the move and supporting the socioeconomic inclusion of the individuals seeking refuge in Hungary.


With the generous support of German Federal Foreign Office, IOM Hungary provided Yehor with an electronic piano, fostering his ongoing growth and self-expression.