Enhancing capacities in EU Member States and third countries to promote durable solutions for unaccompanied minors (2013 - 2014)

Geographical Coverage: Austria, Belgium, Hungary, Italy and the Netherlands + 5 Countries of Origin (Afghanistan, Pakistan, Albania, Kosovo under UNSCR 1244 and Iraq)

Duration: January 2013 – September 2014

Status: Completed

Summary: The aim of the project is to contribute to strengthening and building synergies within family tracing procedures and methodologies in the EU Member States and selected third countries and enhancing the sustainable reintegration of unaccompanied minors choosing to voluntary return to their country of origin as one of the durable solutions envisaged and when it has been determined to be in the Best Interest of the Child (BIC). The project has two phases. The first phase of six months (January-June 2013) involves the development of a country study report in each of the project countries and the presentation of the country reports at a seminar in Brussels. The aim of the country report is to identify good practices and existing methodologies in the field of family tracing as well as any innovative methods for family tracing. The second phase of 12 months (June 2013-June 2014) is the practical part of the project. Actual family tracings will be conducted and reintegration and return support will be provided by IOM if the return of the unaccompanied minor to his/her country of origin is considered to be in the best interest of the child and the preferred option.