Given its global footprint and proximity to crisis-affected, mobile and displaced populations, IOM holds a key role and responsibility in protecting children from neglect, abuse, violence and exploitation. Children represent a significant proportion of the populations the Organization strives to protect and assist and should be provided with specific and adapted protection measures.  

IOM’s child protection activities in the field target vulnerable families and at-risk children, including unaccompanied and separated children.  

Beyond mainstreaming child protection concerns and measures across various interventions such as Cash-Based Interventions (CBIs), humanitarian evacuations and transportation, child protection activities may include family tracing and reunification activities; reintegration programming; case management including best interests of the child procedures; providing or supporting alternative care or alternatives to detention. In addition, IOM works to identify specific risks to which children might be exposed to inform programming. Child protection activities also aim to prevent or respond to cases of child trafficking and gender-based violence against boys and girls. 

IOM is an active member of the Child Protection Community of Practice (CPAoR, Alliance CPHA). From 2017 to 2020, the Organization has also served as Chair of the Inter-Agency Task Force on Unaccompanied and Separated Children (UASC) of the Alliance CPHA. 

Completed Projects