Family Reunification is one of the most important aspects of safe, orderly, and regular migration. The principle of family unity is recognized and protected under international law, amongst others through the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

In practice, families that have been separated face many obstacles in the reunification process, leading to prolonged separation, which negatively affects the ability of migrants in destination countries to integrate and thrive. The obstacles that families face include restrictive eligibility criteria, onerous financial and tevidentiary requirements, lack of information and support, as well as logistical barriers.

Destination countries should therefore make more effective use of facilitated migration, so that vulnerable families do not feel compelled to resort to (dangerous) irregular channels. Through its extensive migration management expertise, IOM stands ready to assist Member States as they take measures to facilitate family reunification.

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