​Building Bridges: City Services for Better Integrated Migrant (2017 - 2018)

Geographical Coverage: Hungary and Austria

Duration: 15 April 2017 – 30 June 2018

Donor: Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund of the European Union (national allocation)

Partner: Municipality of Budapest

Status: Completed

Summary: The objective of the project is to enhance the integration of third-country nationals in the city of Budapest. To this end, the project envisages support for building the capacity of the local administration to develop and implement local integration strategies, to set up migration information points, and to establish partnerships with non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

The interventions include : (1) implementing a study tour to Austrian cities with identified best practices and formulating policy recommendations for the Municipality of Budapest, with a view to improve the capacities available in Budapest regarding local integration measures; and (2) establishing a Migrant Information Desk (MID) which will provide information on migrants’ rights and obligations,  residence and legal issues, education and health systems, labour market and social services, specific migrant support services and any other issues affecting migrants in Hungary. During the operation of the MID, IOM Budapest and the Municipality of Budapest will coordinate closely to evaluate the effectiveness of the services provided and to explore opportunities to further develop the services and help other Hungarian cities to establish a similar service point.

Enhanced capacities at the local level will contribute to a more efficient integration of third-country nationals living in the capital.


*IOM Budapest and the Municipality of Budapest have opened the Migration Information Desk on Monday, 2nd October 2017*

The Information Desk aims to provide a broad range of information on official subjects and everyday-life topics, such as social security, education, labour market and public transport to third country nationals legally residing in Hungary. If you have any question as a migrant, or you are interested in integration matters as a local, do not hesitate to visit the Migration Information Desk where our colleagues are eager to help you. 

Venue: 1052 Budapest, Bárczy István Str. 1-3.

Opening Hours:

Monday: 9am-6pm

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 9am-5pm 

Friday: 9am-2pm

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