
A new beginning for a Syrian family in Budapest

Budapest – After 1.5 years of living apart, a family of four was reunited with the assistance of IOM. While the sons and the mother are excited to taste the Hungarian cuisine, the father is eager to show them the sights of Budapest, their new home.

IOM Budapest successfully conducted another family reunification to Hungary. The action reunited a three-member Syrian family of mother and two children from Turkey with their husband and father, Farid who is under subsidiary protection in Hungary. Farid applied for family reunification which was approved by the Hungarian Authorities after a lengthy procedure. IOM organized the family’s flight bookings, tickets and “fit-to-travel” medical exams and provided assistance at the airports of Istanbul and Budapest.

Farid, the father already has a job and decent living conditions in Budapest, which qualified him for family reunification under the Hungarian legislation. His wife, Amira and their 8- and 10-year old sons, Hassan and Qasim have already taken their first Hungarian lessons taught by the father on the way home from the airport.

As the day of the family reunification was the birthday of Farid, the successful landing of the airplane at Budapest airport also meant the best birthday gift the father could hope for.

The travel from Turkey to Hungary took place within the framework of IOM Budapest’s family reunification project. The project is co-financed by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund of the European Union and by the Hungarian Ministry of Interior.


For further information on IOM’s assistance with family reunification, please visit here.

***Names in the story are changed for protection reasons.


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