
IOM Hungary Launches Guide to Mitigate Risks for Migrant Workers

IOM Hungary has unveiled the Labour Migration Process Mapping Guide, a crucial resource for businesses to identify and address human and labour rights risks faced by migrant workers in global supply chains. The guide retraces the steps of migrant workers and assesses recruitment management systems to prevent forced labour risks.   

While migrant workers contribute significantly to sustainable development, gaps in labour migration governance and unethical practices can leave them vulnerable to exploitation, discrimination and abuse. Global estimates reveal that migrant workers constitute almost a quarter of the 28 million victims of forced labour globally2. Therefore, it is crucial to implement measures that protect their rights, promote safe migration, and provide support throughout their journey.  

The Guide helps business enterprises understand the specific risks facing migrant workers during their recruitment and deployment, employment, and return home or onward migration. It also enables them to recognize and respond to any systemic issues within their operations and supply chains that make migrant workers more vulnerable to exploitation.   

Three supporting tools, which include effective interview techniques and key considerations to ensure migrant worker safety and well-being, are also included in the Guide.  

Primarily designed for enterprises with international supply chains, the guide aligns with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Developed collaboratively with input from governments, civil society, migrant workers, and the private sector, the guide emphasizes responsible business conduct.  

Download the Labour Migration Process Mapping Guide and tools.   




SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth